Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vol 40 : Gamma Radiography

Salam blogy...

Study fever...exam fever...aha....saat menghabiskan waktu-waktu yang indah di petang hari...bersama hujan yang renyai-renyai...roomate gua pula sedap melayan mata ...dah sampai serbia agaknya dia...otak macam beku dok membaca atau tepat lagi menelaah tentang NDT + Nuclear Destructive Technique...oh....memeng aku  tak berapa nak faham bila lecture note sentuh bab Gamma yg Prof bg..sgt la sikit... ( Hey...awak tu student UNIVERSITI ok...nak SPOON FEED lagi ke????) so aku sedar diri....akhirnya ni la article THE BEST yang aku jumpa untuk memahamkan aku tentang Gamma Radiography ni....especially aplikasinya untuk Industry.....

Illustration of industrial radiography.

Industrial radiography entails the use of powerful radiation sources, often in open industrial premises or outdoors. Undertakings engaged in industrial radiography are therefore subject to specific requirements and official approval in accordance with the Regulations on Radiation Protection, §5.
Non-destructive test methods
Industrial radiography is  a method for Non Destructive Testing, or NDT; that is, the material qualities of an object can be examined and studied without destroying the object.

Photographing the object with the help of x-rays or gamma radiation makes it possible to discover different material defects such as poor welding seams or cracks. The method resembles medical use of x-rays to discover bone fractures.

The picture below shows a typical situation in radiography where a gamma source is being used to inspect a welded seam on a pipe. There are about 100 companies in Norway authorised to carry out industrial radiography.

Gamma radiography equipment. Photo: NRPA.

Requirements for approval and certification
Industrial radiography entails the use of powerful radiation sources, often in open industrial premises or outdoors. Undertakings engaged in industrial radiography are therefore subject to specific requirements and official approval in accordance with the Regulations on Radiation Protection, §5. The standard application form for approval of industrial radiography activities may be downloaded from NRPA’s web pages. Note that section 1 and section 2 must both be filled out and sent in.

The letter of approval may also contain additional concrete requirements and specific conditions concerning equipment, competence, reporting, and so on, as specified in the regulations. See the following for the concrete requirements that are usually set in the letter of approval:
  • Requirement of two (2) certified operators for industrial radiography carried out outside shielded enclosures. This means that the operators must be in possession of a radiation protection certificate issued by NRPA (old system), or by an accredited personnel licensing agency (new system).
  • Requirement of annual maintenance of gamma radiography equipment, to be carried out by an authorised dealer or servicing company. 
  • Requirement of maximum source activity limits as follows:
    Co-60:  400 GBq
    Ir-192: 1500 GBq
    Se-75:  3000 GBq

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